Bestway Consultancy


Lord Zameer Choudrey CBE SI Pk

Chief Executive Officer

On behalf of our Chairman Sir Anwar Pervez, OBE H Pk and Board of Directors of Bestway Group, it gives me immense pleasure to welcome you to Bestway Consultancy Services (BCS).

We have come a long way since Sir Anwar’s venture in the UK wholesale sector. Today we have grown to become a global business with annualised turnover in excess of US$5.5 billion and provide employment to over 28,000 individuals worldwide.

We are the UK’s largest independent wholesaler and the UK’s largest independent retail pharmacy chain. However, the success we have achieved is not confined to the UK and we take great pride in the being the largest overseas investor in Pakistan. We hold strategic stakes in Bestway Cement, Pakistan’s largest cement manufacturer and United Bank, Pakistan’s third largest bank.

As a Group we are forward looking and are continuously seeking to build on the magnificent platform we have both within our existing business units as well as new ventures such as best-in-class consultancy services to local and multinational corporates and organisations through – Bestway Consultancy Services.

In the last two years BCS has positioned itself as a strategic partner to various businesses in terms of providing a wide array of services. Our staff and management aspire to gain our clients’ trust by continuously delivering exceptional levels of service.

It our corporate belief that you will find the right solutions for your business and a responsive and empathetic team that will prioritise your requirements.

It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you to Bestway Consultancy Services (BCS), a part of Bestway Group UK.

Bestway Group, after proving its mettle in a variety of large scale businesses in the United Kingdom and Pakistan, embarked upon the journey of offering consultancy services under the umbrella of BCS in 2021. The trust posed by our clients has driven us to extend our services at a global scale.

BCS envisions itself as a strategic partner to various businesses in terms of providing a wide array of services, details of which you can find on this website. I can assure you that team BCS is recruited and trained to extend you impeccable support. We aspire to gain your trust by continuously delivering top notch business services as per agreed standards. We keep ourselves challenged to raise the bar of our service delivery every given day.

Your satisfaction and delight with our services is at the very core of what defines us at BCS.

I am confident that you will find right solutions for your business, and a responsive and empathetic team that will keep your needs first.

With warmest of regards,

Lord Zameer Choudrey CBE SI Pk Chief Executive Officer
Bestway Group

Imran Ashraf

Chief Operating Officer

As the Chief Operating Officer of Bestway Consultancy Services, I am honoured to welcome you to our website.

Our goal is to provide exceptional consulting services to our clients across various industries and domains. We are committed to delivering high-quality solutions that help our clients achieve their business objectives and maximise their potential. 

At Bestway Consultancy, we believe that our success is directly linked to the success of our clients. That’s why we work closely with each of our clients to understand their unique challenges and goals. Our team of experienced consultants is dedicated to providing customised solutions that meet the specific needs of our clients. 

We understand that in today’s fast-paced business environment, staying ahead of the curve is essential. That’s why we constantly innovate and adapt our services to meet the evolving needs of our clients. Whether you need strategic consulting, technology consulting, or business process improvement, we have the expertise and experience to help. 

Thank you for choosing Bestway Consultancy Services. We look forward to working with you and helping you achieve your goals.

Bestway Group

The Bestway story began in 1956 when Sir Anwar Pervez, OBE H.Pk, arrived in the UK to further his education and to seek pastures new. He made his abode in Bradford and tried his hand at various jobs. He worked very diligently in whatever assignments he had opted for. An ambitious spirit in search of perfection, he was conscious of his wide vision and fertile imagination that needed a larger canvas for his socio-economic endeavours. He could not do justice to his talents by working for others and was in constant pursuit of creating his own realm in the business world.

Devotion, long and tireless hours of work enabled him to accumulate enough initial capital to launch his own modest business. In 1963 he established his first convenience store “Kashmir” in London’s Earls Court. Among many of his firsts and in keeping with the demand of the Muslim community in particular, he pioneered the availability of halal meat and other halal food products. His visionary step brought instant recognition from a large number of Pakistani and other Muslim residents in and around West London.

Sir Anwar, however, was not the entrepreneur who would confine his ventures to a limited field. He was committed to fulfilling the requirements of all his customers regardless of their race, religion or economic background therefore he took the strategic decision to enter the mainstream retail market.

His enterprising approach in business management based on high-class service to consumers brought him rich dividends. Backed by a team of dedicated associates, his business prospered and expansion continued. By early seventies he had 10 well-stocked convenience stores in and around West London, popular among those consumers who sought hassle free service within the comfortable and manageable reach of their pockets.

Prosperity and profits were not his only priorities. A man of ideas that he is and disillusioned with the then prevailing system of trade, he opted to introduce an altogether novel concept in retail business to save it from the ever-increasing squeeze of the wholesalers who were charging a high margin of profit; of between 10% and 12%. He could visualise that the independent retailers had no chance of survival in the face of high margin policy of the wholesalers and the ever-growing network of big supermarket chains.

ir Anwar and his team explored the possibility of entering the wholesale market themselves; in other words to take the bull by the horns. He initiated an innovative approach for challenging its hegemony over prices by introducing the concept of lower operating margin. It became evident that a 4% margin would still enable the business to operate profitably and at the same time, the independent retailers will be able to narrow the gap between the prices in the local community stores and the big supermarkets. His brave new strategy and unique trading style ultimately changed the face of the wholesale sector in the UK forever. This also helped in stemming the decline of local community stores in the 1970s and 1980s in the UK.

Non-availability of suitable sites and reluctance of the banks to fund his cash and carry venture posed as stumbling blocks. However, Sir Anwar and his founder directors were determined not to see their dream floundered due to non-availability of bank funding. They combined their individual resources to the extent of re-mortgaging their homes. While this satisfied the financial problem, they had to surmount the suppliers’ reluctance to offer usual credit terms. Their dauntless determination subsequently led to the growth of the business, which in turn led to the rise in credibility and reliability of the company. It opened closed doors to them and the usual standard trading terms were eventually offered. Ultimately the banks were also impressed with the company’s financial performance and were comfortable in offering banking facilities. Sir Anwar’s perseverance had finally borne fruits.

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